Great apartment in the middle av Bergen

  • Type:
  • Location:
  • Area : 40 /m2
  • Beds : 2
  • Baths : 2
  • Floors : 1

Handsome, nyrenovert 2-roms housing cooperative apartments with balcony, in the middle of Bergen city center. The apartment is located about 50m from Torvallmenningen, and approximately 250 meters from the Fish and Bryggen. The residence was nybygt June 2006. Bod is nyrenovert 2010. Most majority av floor and Vegger is nyrenovert October 2013. PRICE Total price: 2057455 NOK, hvorav verdi tariff 650.000 NOK + fellesgjeld 1 539 763 NOK. IN regime. Felleskostnader 1.813 NOK / month, Cable TV: 202 NOK / month.STANDARD Modern 2-roms andelsleilighet with a good plan. Av qualities is the relation sprinkleranlegg, 3-strip eikeparkett on all floor, downlights in all the thanks and balansert VENTILASJON with varmegjenvinning.Entrance hall with painted in bright colors overflater on vegg. Pen and romslig room with painted in bright colors plater on vegg. The living room is the utgang to balkong, mot Bakgaard, approximately 9 m2. Apen kjøkkenløsning mot room with smooth hvite fronts and laminert benkeplate. Integrert ceramic topp and stekeovn. Lekkert helfliset bath with heating cables in the floor and tidsriktige tiles. The bath inneholder: vegghengt toalett, dusj and servant with innredning. Opplegg the washing machine on bath. Soverom with tekstitila to wardrobe. Here is also inngang bath. The property is hard good vedlikeholdt. ANNONSERING ON THE NORWEGIAN MARKET:



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